Інформація призначена тільки для фахівців сфери охорони здоров'я, осіб,
які мають вищу або середню спеціальну медичну освіту.

Підтвердіть, що Ви є фахівцем у сфері охорони здоров'я.

Журнал «Здоровье ребенка» 7 (50) 2013

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Especially the process of formation of personal characteristics of school-age pupils in the use of measures psychohygienic correction

Авторы: Mostova O.P. - Vinnitsya National Medical University named Pirogov

Рубрики: Педиатрия/Неонатология

Версия для печати

The comprehensive health assessment and adaptive resources of the organism and, above all, the characteristics of psychophysiological and psychological adaptation of modern s pupils necessitated the development of methods of targeting their individual situation and correlate particular measures psychohygienic correction. The aim of the investigation was to study the characteristics of the formation of personality characteristics of school-age pupils in the use of measures psychohygienic correction.

Research conducted in the secondary schools in Vinnitsya, during which determined the features of the leading educational and socially important personality characteristics, adaptive resources and health of 120 pupils (60 girls and 60 boys) aged 15-17 years, which were divided into 2 groups comparison - control group and intervention group, which was used was developed diagnostic and preventive programs psychohygienic correction of psycho-physiological and mental adaptation and changes in the health of pupils 14-17 years old.

As the main components of the program that has been developed and thus leading stages of its implementation should be noted: to assess the level of individual phychophysiological functions and personality characteristics of each pupils, taking into account the major trends in the formation of the specific circumstances of the educational process and to determine presence of prenosological changes (phase of psychohygienic diagnostic), correction of the basic operational elements of the daily routine of the students (phase of rational organization of daily activities), the use of psychophysiological (phase of psychophysiological effects) and psychogigienic (phase of psychohygienic correction) components of the proposed program. To assess personality characteristics of students used Eysenck, Spielberger and Phillips personality questionnaires.

The results define a positive impact on the essence of measures psychohygienic correction on the state criteria indicators anxiety-neurotic traits of personality characteristic school-age pupils. Thus, while the study performance neurotism and therefore emotional instability, should be paid to the presence of two different trends in content: if among pupils belonging to the control group, the level of expression of neurotism its content correlate properties of temperament in girls increased from 14,16±0,85 to 14,23±0,71 points (p(t)>0,05), in boys – from 10,86±0,91 to 11,86±0,71 points (p(t)> 0,05), among the pupils s who belonged to intervention group, the degree of expression decreased in girls and in boys according to 13,1 ±0,82 to 11,73±0,92 points (p(t)>0,05) and 11,06±0,84 to 9,16±0,56 points (p(t)>0,05). At the beginning of the observation period no statistically significant differences between the comparison groups are not recorded (p(t)l>0,05), while the end of the observation of the research among girls and among boys comparison group registered statistically significant differences (p(t)<0,05).

Implementation of the developed program for the appearance of the positive changes in the structure of characteristics of neuroticism (p<0.05), state (p<0.001) and trait (p<0.01) anxiety among girls and boys, and in the structure indicators of school anxiety, determining the existence of problems in relationships with teachers (p<0.05), among girls. Less pronounced changes had to be recognized, registered in the analysis of other components of school anxiety, that is anxiety personality characteristics, adverse changes in the structure of which were directly related to the effects of such a stressor, as a modern school, but in this case revealed changes should interpret as favorable.

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