Інформація призначена тільки для фахівців сфери охорони здоров'я, осіб,
які мають вищу або середню спеціальну медичну освіту.

Підтвердіть, що Ви є фахівцем у сфері охорони здоров'я.

Журнал «Здоровье ребенка» 8 (59) 2014

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Health status and forecast diseases among adolescents of ukraine

Public health is the result of the influence  social and life style factors. The main indicators public health include demographic data, physical development, prevalence and incidence. Monitoring these indicators may facilitate the adoption of adequate solutions to improve the health of the population, especially adolescent as Closest labor and intellectual potential of the country. Рresented the analysis the data of health condition which based  data of Medical Statistic Centre of Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine.

Analysis of abundance indices of child and adolescent population showed a negative trend.

Number of children aged 0-17 years decreased from 9129178 in 2005 year to 7990391 people in 2013 year. A similar trend among teenagers, whose number was 2139376 in 2005 and 1369793 in 2013.

Today marked increase in the prevalence of diseases (from 1694,62 ‰ in 2003 to 1920,34 ‰ in 2013) and incidence (from 1174,46 ‰ in 2003 to 1394,4 ‰ in 2013) of the child population.

In 2013 the leading disorders in the prevalence of diseases among children 0-17 years in Ukraine were: respiratory diseases (984,71 ‰); digestive system (133,63 ‰); eye and adnexa oculi (104,35 ‰); skin and subcutaneous tissue (86,22 ‰); musculoskeletal system (84,57 ‰); endocrine disease, nutritional and metabolic disturbances (83,42 ‰); infectious and parasitic diseases (65,48 ‰); diseases of the nervous system (59,94 ‰); Injury and poisoning (57,05 ‰); diseases of the genitourinary system (53,18 ‰).

Marked increase in prevalence rates for certain classes of diseases, such as: infectious and parasitic diseases (from 59,73 in 2010 to 65,48 in 2013, the grows rate was 9,6%); congenital anomalies (from 27,6 to 30,10, the grows rate was 9,1%); neoplasm (from 8,56 in 2010 to 9,21 in 2013, the grows rate was 7,6%); cardiovascular diseases (from 36,75 to 38,78, the grows rate was 5,5%).

Nowadays the doctors can use methods of mathematics for estimate health condition. Forecasting method defined trends and dynamics of changes in the structure of the prevalence of diseases among adolescents.

These results suggest a tendency to increase in the prevalence of diseases among adolescents and among boys. In 2015 the present prognostic indicator will 23276.43 23226.59 among teens and among boys.

The largest increase in this indicator among adolescents in Ukraine is expected for the following classes of diseases as:  diseases of the endocrine system (34,95%); neoplasm (23,47%); diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (21,07%); genitourinary system (20,07%); blood and blood-forming organs (19,59%), that lead to changes in the structure of the prevalence of diseases. Higher rank positions will take endocrine disease, nutritional and metabolic disturbances; genitourinary system; skin and subcutaneous tissue; circulatory system diseases and ears.

The data obtained should be used to develop targeted prevention programs and organizational decision to improve the quality of medical care.

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