Журнал «Здоровье ребенка» (62) 2015. Тематический выпуск "Детская гастроэнтерология"
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Endoscpopic characteristics of upper digestive system in children with allergic diseases
Авторы: Karpushenko J.V.(1), Klymenko V.A.(1), Yavorska V.M.(2), Adarukova L.M.(2)
(1) – Kharkiv National Medical University
(2) – Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital N1
Рубрики: Педиатрия/Неонатология
Разделы: Клинические исследования
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Ключевые слова
children, allergy, endoscopy, digestive system
The diseases of organs of digestive system in childhood are an important medical and social problem. The fact of connection between digestive system diseases and allergic diseases are currently well known. The high frequency of their connection is shown by epidemiological researches. Mechanisms of formation of allergies on the background of gastroenterological pathologies are recognized. Also, effects of biologically active substances and mediators of allergy which can cause an inflammation of digestive system are also well known.
Aim of research. To study condition of upper digestive tract according to endoscopic investigation data. To improve quantity of medical treatment of children with allergic pathology.
Materials and method. 61 endoscopic investigation of children with allergic diseases aged 6months to 17 years were analysed. Results proceed with methods of variable statistics.
Results and discussion. 61 children were examined, 67% are boys. Approximate averageage of patients was 10 years. 43% of children with combined allergic diseases, 31% children with allergic rhinitis, 18% with bronchial asthma and 8% with angioedema are in the structure of allergic diseases. Endoscopic picture characterizes by unchanged mucus of esophagus was in 85% of children, stomach 33%, duodenum – 39%. Destructive changes were found in 23% of patients. Destruction of all parts of digestive system was frequently found in children with bronchial asthma. 31% of children with combined etiology had destruction of duodenum. Erythematic changes of the stomach mucosa was found in 91% of patients with bronchial asthma and 85% of patients with combined allergic diseases. Erthematic injuries of duodenum was present in 82% of patients with bronchial asthma and in 58% of patients with combined allergic diseases. Erythematic affection of esophagus was discovered in 27% of patients with bronchial asthma and 20% of children with angioedema. Lymphatic hyperplasia of the mucus of different parts of digestive system was found in32.8% of patients. Duodenal stomach reflux was diagnosed in 44.2% of patients. Hyperplasia changes of mucus of esophagus and stomach polyp were found in two examined patients.
1. There is affection of organs of digestive system in children with allergic diseases. They are: esophagus - 15% of cases. Affection of the stomach - 67% of cases; duodenum - 60% of cases and was more typical for combined allergic diseases, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.
2. Destructive forms are presented by erosions and occurred in 23% of cases.
3. The worst allergic pathology for development of destructive and erythematic forms of affection of digestive system is bronchial asthma and its combinations.
4. There is lymphatic hyperplasia of different parts of digestive system mucosa and this occurred in 33% of cases.
5. Disorders of motility of digestive system, such as duodenal stomach reflux was found in 44.2% of patients.
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